Water Ease for Development Alliance (WEDA)

OGF’s WEDA program focuses on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) via sustainable solutions for the economic empowerment of rural and disadvantaged communities.

Recognizing a Community in Need

Pilot: Agala WEDA Project, Lagos, Nigeria

Our pilot project in Agala, Lagos, is a testament to dedication and resolve.

The community consists of 221 households (~1,100 people) including women and children, many of whom were forcibly displaced from informal settlements in Takwa Bay Island, Lagos as their homes were demolished in January 2020.

Basic amenities such as clean water, sanitation facilities, electricity, healthcare services, and educational facilities were luxuries that had remained out of reach. The people of Agala relied on polluted water sources and practiced open defecation.

OGF recognized the dire situation and aimed to bring a positive change to the lives of the Agala people while respecting the Island’s fragile ecosystem.

The Process

OGF embarked on a mission to transform Agala’s living conditions with the innovative Water Ease for Development Alliance (WEDA) solution. The process involved the design, construction, and installation of several eco-friendly technologies.

The Impact

The impact of OGF’s intervention in Agala is nothing short of remarkable:

1,100 Direct Beneficiaries

3,000 Indirect Beneficiaries

13kWp Installed Power Capacity

20cm3 Biodigester Capacity

25 New O&M Jobs Created

SDGs Addressed

The Commissioning

The WEDA facility has been handed over from OGF to the Agala WASH committee for management. The sustainability is anchored on the community, which operates and maintains the facilities with revenues from the sale of WASH services.

Other Sponsors

Social Solar Grant

Scale Up

OGF is scaling up the WEDA program to 5 new communities per year between 2024 and 2026.

Contact us to learn more about this CSR grant and social impact investment opportunity.

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